A photo a day - or as ofetn as I can manage. February 2009 and I am moving to, and exploring, a new city and a new set of pictures that present themselves.

Monday 27 April 2009

Monday the 27th

Past few days have seen sun, sun and sun (until today which was rain, rain, rain!) but not much photo work. Picked up my new bike (whoot!) so that's taken up a chunk of time. I did, however, do some more work on my Nikon entry which is coming along nicely. The pic at the top's another sample. More importantly, look how pretty my bike is!

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Wednesday the 15th

Had a lazy day in today and worked on a few projects. The following pics are a rough (ie photoshop auto) edit of an ongoing images capturing interesting shadows and playing with the way light falls. It was something I was going to work on but at the moment my entry for the nikon assistance award is taking precedent so I though I'd show a few of these.

apologies for the rough edit and 'zingy' colours.

Monday 13 April 2009

Monday the 13th

The pic above's a quick sample from a big project I'm working on - one that'll win me the Nikon assistance award hopefully! More on that soon...

No other news - got a good chunk of that done and went home to Yorkshire t see a few friends which was nice. The bank holiday's been spent with me and Roch crafting (hahaha) and trying t fix Nipsy's bikecycle.

Sun's been out though... and I got a new Walkmen track....

Monday 6 April 2009

Monday the 6th

A fairly uneventful few days all round due to the lovely sun ad my DISTINCT lack of inspiration in the photography department - the project I've been working on aren't coming out that well - Roch suggested a good one to me which I'm going to start planning out.

Went home for my brothers birthday which was nice to see the gang but no news there either!

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Wednesday the 1st

Well, my technology issues are at least partly resolved so I'm able to update my blog again!

Mostly worked during the missing days - went home for mother's day to catch up with the gang which was nice. Took photos of people on the bus. Ate Ice cream at Manchester fort. Enjoyed the sun.

Glad to be back


My photo
Manchester, North of England, United Kingdom

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